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“What will you choose?”

I saw a meme recently on fb and I quickly clicked “save” so I could remember it.

“Time will pass anyway. You can either spend it creating the life you want or spend it living the life you don’t want. The choice is yours.”

Holy damn I love this. So fucking true. We are here. Time is passing by every moment. We have the choice of how that time is spent. As for me and myself, I do not want to use my one precious life living in stress, cultural expectations, and other’s demands.

As I get older, it gets easier for me to say no to things that bring chaos into my life; but I don’t think that it’s necessarily cause I’m older. I think it’s because I spent 26 years of my life living in submission to others who convinced me to relinquish my freedom. The interesting part is that they somehow had me believing I was free. I thought I was a free person, until the painful truth flicked on the light. That’s when I realized that I was in a cage. Paralyzed by fear. Chained with the belief that I was selfish, weak and unworthy.

I have experienced many years groveling on my hands and knees, answering to toxic men and women. No more. And here’s the deal: Maybe you didn’t grow up in a cult. Maybe you had a decent childhood with loving parents. And if so, I am really happy for you. But even then, chances are that you still feel the everyday pressures to conform to society in one way or another. People will always have expectations of us, especially family members. Our culture tries to convince us that a life of stress, chaos and exhaustion is normal and we need to suck it up.

I realize that it is impossible to erase all stress from our life, but we sure as hell don’t have to accept living a life that we don’t love.

I love people and I have spent my whole life connecting on a deep level with as many humans as possible. What I seem to consistently find is that a lot of people are living unhappy lives. They act as if they have no choice. But that’s a fucking lie. Everyone has a choice.

Sure there are painful things that have happened and will continue to happen to us that we do not have control over. Life is filled with loss and pain. But that doesn’t for one second mean we must give up our freedom in order to make others happy. No hell way.

My love. Your life is yours for a reason. You get to choose how you want to spend it. If you’re asking me, I think spending it creating the life you love is pretty damn wise.

I’m okay if other people don’t like my choices. “They can get happy in the same pants they got mad in.” (Credit of that saying goes to Warren:). I don’t know how long I get to live this wild life so you won’t find me wasting my time worrying about some set of rules that someone made up. It’s my life. I make the rules.

This woman refuses to accept anything less than exquisite joy, absolute peace and deep, wild love.


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Abigail is the best person to spend time with! She loves to encourage and support everyone she meets!

The writings you will read in this blog are her raw thoughts and musings on life as she learns to heal from the past and extend the same encouragement and support she so freely gives others to herself.

I think her candid honesty will ring true and encourage all of us to be brave and live our true lives every moment! 


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